Do It Yourself Home Remedies

Do it Yourself Home Remedies
When disasters occur the medical industry always has a hard time keeping up with the needs of the affected. If there was a national crisis, loss of job, or personal emergency, how would you relieve your pain if doctors or medicine were not available?
Fortunately there are many items that can be found already in your kitchen, your yard, even in your food storage that can be used for healing in an emergency.
Make sure you are prepared for anything. Learn how to utilize everyday items for multiple uses. Listed below are several ideas to help you get prepared and be ready for any emergency situation.
Make sure to comment and let us know what you use for natural healing or in emergency situations.

Epsom Salt
it’s hard to believe that magnesium sulphate – which is also known as Epsom salt – has so many uses. From sore muscles, to skin softening and stress reducing this mineral works wonders
Everyday Splinters – Apply an Epsom salt and water mixture to the skins surface, soaking for approximately 10 minutes then easily remove the splinter without the pain of a digging through your skin with a needle.
Sprains – In a small bucket or bath add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt to warm water. Soak the sprain or sore muscle. Epsom salt with reduce the swelling and pain.
Muscle pains – To help relieve sore muscles, muscle cramps, and muscle and nerve function. Mix Epsom salt with a hot water bath and apply to get soothing comfort.
Stress Relief – Stress drains the body of the essential mineral Magnesium while increasing Adrenaline in your system. Soaking in a warm bath of Epsom salt replenishes the body with the needed levels of magnesium. This helps the body to produce Serotonin giving you a feeling of calm and relaxation while increasing your levels of energy and stamina.

Baking Soda
Baking soda and its uses are endless so when I found that baking soda was a natural healer as well I was not surprised!
Stings – When anyone in my family gets stung by a bee – everyone knows the remedy to stop the pain is Baking soda. This is also what we use for any type of sting or bite. Make a baking soda paste using water; apply to the area affected and let the paste dry. This takes just a few minutes. Then flick off the soda, if more is required apply a little more paste.
Sunburns – Add some baking soda to a small bowl of water, mix well. Carefully apply to skin; the baking soda makes the water a soothing and cooling remedy.
Bladder infections – When a bacterium thrives or takes over in your body, bladder infections can happen. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda with a bottle of water. Shake well. Drink the water to help soothe the pain of bladder infections.

Ginger is one of the herbs you never want to be without in your kitchen. It’s closely related to other spices like turmeric and has been used medicinally for over 5,000 years.
Migraines – Danish researchers have found that taking a teaspoon of fresh or powdered ginger at the first sign of a migraine may reduce symptoms by blocking prostaglandins – the chemical that causes inflamed blood vessels in the brain. Unlike aspirin, ginger does not have negative side effects like other over the counter remedies.
Menstrual cramps and Nausea – Chemical compounds in ginger act as antispasmodics, which help control contractions causing pain and vomiting. Ginger helps to stop those contractions in the digestive tract and Uterus.

Honey is also very important in your kitchen and food storage. Stored in the right conditions, honey can have an indefinite storage life. It’s good for soothing allergies, coughs and ulcers.
Ulcers – Honey can help reduce the symptoms and speed the healing time of ulcers. Honey reduces inflammation, and stimulates blood flow. Honey also kills H. pylori – the bacteria responsible for most ulcers.
Cuts – Honey can help cuts or scrapes to not get infected. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and propolis – a compound that helps kill bacteria. Applying honey to cuts or scrapes locks out other contaminants and denies bacterial growth. My daughter got a really bad burn from a curling Iron; honey soothed the burn and even helped with scarring. It was great.

Lavender is abundant in yards and out in the outdoors. If you see some, collect it for use in emergencies. Lavender works great treating headaches, insect bites, ear infections and even athlete’s foot.
Skin infection – Lavender is a great way to fight infections in cuts and scrapes. Make an infusion of lavender and olive oil. Soak a clean cloth in the infusion and apply to the wound.
Ear infection – Chemical compounds in Lavender fight infection in scrapes, cuts and swimmer’s ear. Warm a few drops of the infused oil and drip into the ear.
Pain reliever – Lavender has been shown to reduce the transmission of nerve impulses that carry pain signals throughout the body. Mix a few drops of essential oil into a tablespoon of carrier oil (Olive oil or similar) and rub it in. It’s also great at relieving itching.


Goldenseal has amazing healing properties. In fact in studies, goldenseal has proven to be as effective against some infections as prescriptions.
Infectious diarrhea – Keeping infectious diseases controlled during an emergency will be very important. Scientists have found that berberine a component in goldenseal helps prevent infectious diarrhea-causing organisms from attaching in the lining of the intestines.
Eye infections – Make goldenseal into a tea strain the beverage, let cool. Use as an eyewash to speed the healing of eye infections such as pinkeye. Continue to apply goldenseal until the infection is cleared.
Mucus membranes – The sinuses, throat, mouth and urinary tract are all subject to infection as well as the intestines and vaginal walls. Goldenseal can treat those infections because it has antimicrobial properties.


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