Winter-Proofing Your Home Fall may have just begun, but now is the best time to get your home ready for the winter season. Prepare your home now before the inclement weather is upon us. Things You Must Do To Prepare Your Home For Winter! Seal drafty windows and doors: Drafts can waste 5%-30% of […]
Emergency Car Kits

Automobile Emergency Kit When seasons change is a great time to make sure your car is prepared for the weather changes. Where you live can also make a difference as to what preparedness ideas you may need. Keep in mind that you may need snow tires, new windshield wipers, anti-freeze, heater/air conditioner service, and even […]
72-Hour Kit List

Having your 72-hour kit is going to be one of your most essential needs in times of crisis. Your kit is a collection of necessities that will sustain your life and have your wants and needs included that will last you for at least 72–hours. Your bag should fit your shoulders and back comfortably, be […]